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November 10, 2011 - 8:24 pm


so I got a few things accomplished when jay was out of town. i even went and got my flu shot. I'm at about 95% but still can't quite shake this cold. Still blowing all sorts of stuff out of my nose, etc.
jay got back on Friday but i was just exhausted from being sick and cadence being sick. I took 1/2 a day on Friday and pretty much slept all day saturday. Sunday I got up and went grocery shopping... somebody needed to and jay was starting to feel sick. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday I took berevement and really didn't do much at all, which I needed! I needed to just relax, feel better, etc. Monday we did have to go to the bank to get some paper notarized for Denise so she can administer the estate, so we actually did something related to berevement. Monday night I had my group. We were supposed to watch the birthing video, but we got more people in our group now (11 couples) and a bunch of them had some really dumb questions and we didn't even START group until after 6 by the time everyone got checked in and tummy time so there was no time to watch the video. It's been pushed back to next time in December. Scale says 109, but I was also wearing jeans.
Did get the house cleaned, which it needed it. Jay did the kitchen. I did everything else. Wednesday, Cadence had her last day of school. She sorta sang on the stage. you couldn't really hear her or anything but she moved her mouth to a lot of the songs. We went to red robin for lunch and she won a teddy bear in the claw game- don't know how she managed to pull that off! Then we took her for a haircut because she needed one. I signed her up for advanced apples to zebras for January. It was getting filled up fast.
Went back to work today. For being out for 3.5 days I didn't have much work to do. I did do some work on Monday- maybe like an hour, my UPS and a few other things. I have tomorrow, a 5 day week, and then off again for our 'vacation'.
I'm on day 11 of no FB. I actually logged back in today because I couldn't name 9 friends that I had, so I got that info and then deactivated it again. I really do not miss it at all. I actually left dawn off my list! Don't know how I managed that!!
Jay's bday is next Saturday. I don't know what to get him. Credit cards are getting up there, and christmas is coming up so I don't want to spend too much. he was looking at a new cell phone because there are a few new ones coming out. I'd get him that since he doesn't have any money either. it makes me a little nervous (as it did when he bought the car) that he's down to less than $1k in the bank and nothing here and not much left to sell that's worth any big amount. Yes I know we have $120k in the bank so we don't have to worry about money, but he always had something coming in, unemployment, selling stuff, a way to get money... and now the only thing he has is this car. I don't want him to have to sell the car yet. His mom mentioned that there might be some money from his dad. Something like he was left 200k from when his grandmother died a while back. Divide by 3 is 65k. That would be fine. He could keep the car and no worries again.
I don't know if I'll have a job past March. I'm going to need to do some serious scouting when I'm on maternity leave. It looks pretty hopeless at TDS, at least on the promo side. I need to get out of there anyway. 8 years today! Never expected to be there that long, that's for sure. Take my million days of maternity leave + disability. It just sucks that disability is only like 60% of your pay.
I know we'll be fine and I try not to stress over money, but maybe Christmas won't be as great this year. Still want to try and get my little girl everything but at least she's still at the age where she won't be disappointed in what she does or doesn't get.
Tomorrow I have to finish packing up that box to send to NJ of misc christmas presents that I've already bought plus any winter clothes we might need so i don't have to cram them in the suitcase.
Besides from the carseat, stroller, and light switch dimmer, we are ready for baby M. Do need to put the crib together and swap dressers, but probably not until the end of January or early February for that.

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archery instructor aka wonderwoman - September 25, 2017
missing jay! - September 15, 2017
trying to remember, and wishing I could forget - September 07, 2017
completely overwhelmed - September 05, 2017
16 girl scouts - August 25, 2017