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January 06, 2011 - 8:42 am

the 2010 disappointment


So for 2010, this is what I'd like to see
1- My parent's estate closed and settled
2- I'd like to get the yard redone and Jay's garage built
3- Make some friends. I learned that they are important to have and I need some out here
4- Exercise more. I really let myself go this year and I couldn't believe it.
5- Get a new job, either by choice, or not... at this rate who knows what will happen in a couple of months. This will also help with #3.

And the results:
1- half done/ half to go
2- not even started
3- made a couple. I like Travis & Melissa
4- I did ok, but not as much as I hoped
5- Another disappointment

2011 goals (not necessarily in this order):
1- get the estate closed
2- sell the house
3- Jay's garage and the yard
4- go on a vacation
5- find a new job
6- keep on jogging and exercising
7- baby #2

gee... sound familiar... same as last year.
My 2011 weigh-in this morning was 103.2 and 21%

So yes, as you can see, nothing was accomplished for 2010. A wasted year. The only things that were good were Jay and Cadence.

The contract on the house expired and I wasn't going to renew it, but yesterday I was told that someone wants to make an offer so in order to do that, it has to be listed, so I relisted. I'm hoping it's something over 200k and then I'm just going to say yes, please take the damn thing.
I definitely put on a couple of pounds this year, I can see it in my legs. Hey, maybe I can put on 30 more with a little baby. That would be cool.
I'm just getting so frustrated with everything again that I just want to give up.
Jan 19th we should hopefully see our window money and I'm estimating about 4k back for taxes- 500 for the 1st time homebuyers credit we have to repay. So that will be around 7 that we can use for the yard and landscaping and stuff.
Maybe if we sell the house and refinance and cut our payment in half, maybe we can get one of the bathrooms redone this year. That would be nice. How much could a new tub, tile and a vanity be? $5-$7k?
Today seems a little quiet at work. That's good because Cadence has some sort of 24 hour stomach bug. Started bothering her yesterday around lunch and then there was vomit everywhere... on me, the office, living room, hallway, futon, blankets, clothes... horrible.
guess that's it for now

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archery instructor aka wonderwoman - September 25, 2017
missing jay! - September 15, 2017
trying to remember, and wishing I could forget - September 07, 2017
completely overwhelmed - September 05, 2017
16 girl scouts - August 25, 2017