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June 09, 2003 - 10:28 am

lovely foggy monday

hey look another crappy monday.

Wednesday I did nothing, thursday- nothing, friday I was dragged to the mall and had a nervous breakdown. Oh that was fun. Saturday- more of nothing. I went HOME around 1-130 and then did more of nothing. Just slept all afternoon. I didn't want to talk to anyone so I locked myself in my room. I just felt like being alone.

Sunday- more of the same. although I at least did laundry and cleaned the bathroom. Didn't go to the christening like I said I would but #1 I didn't want to be around people I barely know; #2 I didn't want to drive all the way up there; #3 I have 1/4 tank of gas to last me until saturday morning; #4 I don't believe in organized religion anyway and I think it's totally unfair to force a baby into a religion. I mean they have absolutely no choice in the matter and as parents you are "making the decision for them" so they will grow up to be outstanding citizens in the community. Well if all you teach them is Catholicisizm (or however you spell it) then they won't know if you made the right decision for them because they don't know what else is out there! You've just eliminated all the choices for them. I didn't know anything about other religions until I was 16- SIXTEEN! and that was only because I went to a school that taught you different religions. And maybe they taught them only to prove how wrong they were, but at least they opened your eyes to other opportunities and possibilites out there. I could only imagine that if i went to a public school and took ccd how they wouldn't do anything like this at all. I mean by the age of 16, you've already gone through baptism, 1st communion, reconciliation, and confirmation. How can you confirm your belief in something if you don't know what else there is to believe in!?

F organized religion. It's just a crock to get money. And no I'm not saying that I don't believe in god cuz I do. God, Spirit, Higher Power, Buddah, Allah, whatever the hell you wanna call it- creator of all things in the universe- it's all the same to me.

I just don't see why you need someone to tell you how to pray to it.

ok im off my rant now.

I hope today is better than this weekend. I'm sick of all this f-ing rain and cold. I want sunshine and happiness dammit

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