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June 02, 2003 - 8:51 am

another boring weekend

why is it that it is Monday, June 2nd and I'm wearing pants and a sweatshirt? How come it was nasty and rainy all weekend and now that I'm at work, the sun is shining. :(

This weekend was "eh" Friday we went to the mall and walked around. I found another hotwheels celica I didn't have. Then we went to the ford dealer and looked at the new lightnings and cobras. Saturday I had to getup early and watch the monkey while jay and his friend went to work. He bit me in the leg and left a bruise. It hurt like a mother! We spent most of the day at his friends house just hanging out. Yesterday I actually slept late. I slept until 12. I mean i let the dogs out at 9, but they were quick and I got to go back to sleep. I can't remember the last time that happened. It was so nice and quiet and peaceful. In between the rain, I washed the car cuz it was disgusting. Then I went to my friend danny's house to get final instructions. They are in vegas for the week and I am housesitting. Saw The Italian Job. It was ok. The entire plot was in the preview so there was no guessing there. THe coolest part had to be the chase scene with the MINI's. Other than that, I could've waited until it came out on dvd. That was my weekend in a nutshell. Pretty Damn boring.

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