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January 03, 2017 - 2:55 pm

2017 is here

New years has come and gone and it's already January 3rd.
47 entries last year. Not too shabby.
Last week was busy with work of course. We got out early on the 30th, which was unexpected. So I started cleaning. Got 5 rooms cleaned. We went to olive garden for dinner. It was good. We also did a little gift card shopping- target returns, toys r us, justice. Got them all except kohls. Saturday morning we went to the gym. There was supposed to be class for the girls but it was cancelled. I took a pound class. I liked it. Something totally different. Weird to take a class where there's no instructions or HRM on the screen. Such a great feature of Kosama.
I know jay wanted to do something new years, but I felt awful. Terrible chills, stomach pains. It went away the next day but I was pretty miserable. The girls stayed up til about 9. It was non-exciting. sunday we went food shopping and then to the movies to see Sing. It was cute. Then nothing much the rest of the day. I prepped smoothies from all the fruit and veggies I bought. Monday no work so I started cleaning. I thought I'd be done quick and we could enjoy the day, but with taking Christmas down, it took me all day. I didn't even finish. The couch cushions still need to be vacuumed and the kitchen floor needs to be re-mopped because cadence did a terrible job.
Jade was back to school today. Cadence just got picked up by Donna for a sleepover. Jade was upset and cried when she left. I got so much done today for work.... because I'm off the rest of the week. I had 8 carryover days. So I asked guy if i could use the 3 this week since I couldn't take off because everyone else in the office was off. Essentially they will be a waste. I'll get some errands and stuff done but that's about it.
I wanted to do more these two long weekends, like go hiking or do something fun... somewhat disappointed about that.
But maybe Thursday we will do something after Jade gets done with school, or Friday. Lights of the world is going on at Rawhide and that looks pretty cool.

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archery instructor aka wonderwoman - September 25, 2017
missing jay! - September 15, 2017
trying to remember, and wishing I could forget - September 07, 2017
completely overwhelmed - September 05, 2017
16 girl scouts - August 25, 2017