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December 19, 2016 - 8:53 am

cookies everywhere

Well last week didn't go as planned.
Wednesday I was covering for Rachael as well as trying to get as much done in preparation for me being out for 2 days.
Got my haircut- snowflake undercut. Started making dough on Thursday. Did cookies pretty much all day Friday. Thursday we dropped the girls off at school, then ran to walmart and Fry's, came home and made dough,then picked up Jade, back to walmart, more cookies, took cadence to gymnastics and unenrolled her, then got my haircut, back home and more cookies. Then dinner with Bryan to Cornish Pasty. So there were a lot of errands in there that cut into my cookie time.
Friday I took Jade to school for her party. It had rained so they moved it inside. They sang some christmas songs, had a snack and got to have their picture with Santa. We were home by 10:30 and spent the entire day in the kitchen. That oven is crazy. The broiler turned on by itself at one point, ruined a whole batch of cookies and burnt my tray.

The dough for the pierogi is made. The pierogi is not.The leader holiday party was ok. It was nice with the pot luck food and casual outside.
Saturday we didn't make it to the journey in a day. i slept until after 9. I had to leave around 8 to get there. I felt bad, but I had too much to do. Saturday we ended up doing the decorating for the gingerbread and the sugar cookies. The girls did most of it. I got the christmas cards done. Jay and I ran out to dollar tree and big lots and walmart to get cookie boxes and milk. Then packaged up the cookies. Then josh came over because while we were gone, the media center blew up. Then it was dinner time and I made the girls a frozen pizza.
Sunday we went to lo-lo's for breakfast, got home and started cleaning at like 11. Jay helped me though. I tackled Jade's room, and the bathrooms. Around 2 we ran out to JCP to pay jays bill and use the rewards dollars, then Fry's electronics to get a motherboard, costco for some business purchases and harbor freight. It was 5 by the time we got home. Made the girls dinner, picked up, played with Jade for a little while. Jason stopped by to pick up cookies. Got most of the living room clean. Kitchen is still a disaster and the pierogi are not made.
Started boxing up cookies today, trying to catch up from being out for 2 days.

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missing jay! - September 15, 2017
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