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October 02, 2012 - 9:58 am

Happy birthday Cadence, 7 months Jade and 4 years living in AZ

So the last couple of week have been crazy. The party was on Sunday the 30th and it was a great time. I forgot to make the chicken nuggets for the kids and didn't finish decorating, I just ran out of time. Ariel the little mermaid came and did face painting, balloons, and magic. The kids loved it, and it was nice to have them occupied and quiet for an entire hour. Jade was pretty good and didn't have stranger anxiety. Cadence got a lot of nice presents. Everyone showed up except for Ralph and Matt, Crystal, Presley.
Been busy the last two days since it's the beginning of the month and I had taken off Friday to clean. Jay's mom left Sunday night. I know she hasn't been out since end of March, but man it feels like she was just here! 5 days was plenty long. Cadence had fun playing with Grandma though and that's all that matters. There's talk of coming out for Jade's birthday, but Jay and I had already talked about not really doing anything big. We had hoped his sister and brother would come out this year, but I guess not. I was waiting to take off days based on if they were coming.
Cadence and Jade have little colds right now so it's not too fun. Saturday was cooking day for the party and more cleaning. The cake that Jay & I made turned out AWESOME and DELICIOUS! We did get to go for a little swim. Friday I was so grumpy. I got no sleep Thursday night and I had taken off Friday so I could clean before Cadence got home from school. Well the only way I could get Jade to lay down for a nap was on my arm so that's how we laid for 2+ hours. When I got up, Judy and Jay were sitting on the couch and nothing was cleaned. I was ANNOYED. I cleaned the whole house myself, with the exception of the kitchen because more cooking needed to happen. Jay & I ended up going out to dinner @ cheesecake factory for a date, which was nice. Didn't make it to the movies though. Don't think we did anything on Thursday at all. Wednesday was Cadence's birthday. I had make her cupcakes for school (from scratch). She said they were yummy. Then she picked to go to Serrano's for dinner. They had a mariachi guitarrista playing and Jade loved it. Dinner was good, then we came back and she opened presents from grandma, aunt dee and uncle john/aunt dana, and half of the ones from us. Then it was after 8 and she had to get to bed. Poor girl still really hasn't had a chance to play with all the toys she's gotten!
I also finished up my first month of Kosama. I went 15 times so that's not too bad. I signed up for month-to-month at their open house for $59 a month.
Last sunday, we rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned all the carpets in the house Sunday night and Monday. Jay dropped a piece of the couch on my little toe on my left foot and I think he broke it. It STILL hurts and it's over a week. Ginger stepped on it this morning too. I'm sure that didn't help.
Jade crawls all over the house, but I keep Cadence's room shut since there are a lot of small pieces in there. She's starting to cruise too. She wants to WALK! She's 7 months old today already.
Today also marks 4 years since I moved out here with Cadence!
I'm tired today and my back has been sore the last 2 days. Probably from scrubbing the pool that is stained with algae (I am so mad about that)
I guess that's about everything that's going on, not that there's not enough.
Gotta get up the Halloween decorations soon, but October should be quiet. Ginger's birthday is the 30th. I think I'm going to try and make a dog-friendly cake. Then Jay heads to SEMA halloween night and when he comes back, he's bringing Rich with him for like 5 or 6 days.

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archery instructor aka wonderwoman - September 25, 2017
missing jay! - September 15, 2017
trying to remember, and wishing I could forget - September 07, 2017
completely overwhelmed - September 05, 2017
16 girl scouts - August 25, 2017