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November 10, 2006 - 9:34 pm

3 years later

well, one year came and went. we had a nice weekend. it was good to just spend time together.

i just feel like life is just flying by and i'm just standing here looking stupid trying to figure out what to do next.
i mean i know what i want but i'm just not making any progress. so the past week or so i've really started digging in to finding a house. I think I have it narrowed down to 3, but i'm actually leaning towards one that we didn't even see.
Today marks 3 years that I started my job. Which means that we've been in this apartment for 3 years. I'm just ready to owe 200 grand to the bank for a beautiful house and give birth to children that are made from me and the greatest person in the world.
I've been trying to call people and say hello. It's not something that I'm good at, or that I really like doing, but I'm trying.
I talked to Candace yesterday and she's thinking about getting a divorce. Although she was young when she got married, I really thought that they were the last couple that would ever get divorced. Things like that just really hit close to home. I want to beat the odds so bad and live happily ever after, but when you hear about something like that, it's just a snap back to reality.
Not that Jay & I want to get divorced or are unhappy, but it could happen 5, 10, 12 years from now... My cousin is probably getting divorced. She got married in 1997. A girl I went to high school with got married and had a son and now they're going through a divorce. I don't know their situations but that word just plain scares me.
On a happier note- This year we are going to spend thanksgiving at my mom's house. it should be an interesting time, and I'm glad I get to see everyone since I didn't get to spend any holiday with my family last year. I just wish we didn't have to drive 9 hours. I'm not looking forward to it. I already did my long drive for the year, and I'll have one twice as long when we move.

jay's birthday is next sunday and I really want to do something special for his 30. i wish i could afford to buy him something really nice because he deserves it.

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archery instructor aka wonderwoman - September 25, 2017
missing jay! - September 15, 2017
trying to remember, and wishing I could forget - September 07, 2017
completely overwhelmed - September 05, 2017
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