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October 25, 2001 - 10:49 pm

a painful reminder

SOo I just got home from watching friends and csi. I had to make a quick stop and do a nice deed too. I'm too damn nice for my own good. I really need to stop or else I'm just gonna get taken for granted, but sometimes I just can't help it

I dunno. Tomorrow I might go out with C and then saturday with the girls so that might be cool. I'm just not into people lately, although I've been doing better this week.

I really kinda like this online diary. I dunno why. I saw bill today (again) and I'm doing a lot better with that. I'm starting to feel more comfortable around him, which is good cuz you can't be friends with someone who makes you upset everytime you are near them.

It just kinda hurts me cuz we were supposed to go to frightfest last year and we never could cuz we never had off the same day or if i opened he closed so we didn't go. This year I'm supposed to go with my brother and his friends on sunday so I asked bill to borrow his parking pass so we can take two cars and hes like oh im gonna need it cuz I'm going on Friday and i was like OH. I mean i guess its only fair cuz i was gonna go without him, but im going with my brother, not my friends (cuz i dont have any) and i was gonna ask him if he wanted to go.. If i didn't say anything to him, he never would have even told me. I dunno it hurts cuz we should be going together, but i guess i just need to get over that. its the little things like that which upset me the most and make me miss him so terribly much.

Hopefully, in the end things will work themselves out and we can be friends again and i can put all this behind me, but until then I still have all these good memories that keep haunting me.....

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