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March 29, 2021 - 10:30 am

signs from above

My mom was looking down on me on her birthday for sure! I spent Monday job hunting. Applied to 7. By Tuesday, I heard back from two of them! Tuesday I applied to 2 more, nothing yet on the rest of them. I have to do this one-way video before Wednesday. I plan to do it today. I'm just slightly nervous and haven't felt like getting dressed! Also Tuesday we found out that C got into her HS choice #1! Hooray! But I think she's nervous because no one she knows is going there and is now second-guessing her choice. I didn't bother to have class all week. Haven't picked up my Ripstix since last Thursday. I'm going to change my schedule for April and try early AM classes- see if I can get anyone to join me. Friday was cleaning day all day but everything got done. Made the girls finish their rooms when they got home too. The weekend was pretty wasted. I worked on the pool. There's about 5-6' of visibility now. I read some books. I haven't felt like cooking since last week. This morning I emailed the hot tub people about the part I'm looking for and I'm trying to resolve a chargeback we got from a cookie sale. Also got a shipping notice for our fall rewards! So I guess that will be this weekend's project. It's also easter. I don't feel like making more pierogi. I think we'll have enough for dinner.
This one book I'm reading- Ask and it is given- has some games/exercises to do to tune into your source energy. I know sounds a little woo-woo. I'm going to give some of them a try. Then I'm reading this other book-Win the day- and this one is more religious but has basically the same principles. Actually every book I've read says the same things, just in different ways. Take it one day at a time, set small goals, visualize, stay positive, meditate to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts, live in the moment. They are all great points and I'm trying most of them. There's nothing really new or insightful or eye opening. I just wish I had better direction on where I wanted to be.

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RIP Rudy - April 26, 2021
29 days left - April 19, 2021
no no no no no - April 16, 2021
getting organized - April 12, 2021
Hoppy Easter - April 06, 2021