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December 30, 2020 - 4:17 pm

almost 2020 won

Yesterday we went to Picacho State Park and used one of our free park passes. Went for a short hike and found a couple of letterboxes. Left about 11 and got home about 4. Today I didn't do much at all. Half listened to a webinar, 1 load of laundry, drained and scrubbed the hot tub.
I'm just at the point of "what's the use? Why bother? Why beat a dead horse? Why not cut my losses?" You get the idea.... Do I just give up at this point? No one comes to my classes. Is it worth it? I just renewed my (lapsed) liability insurance. Still waiting on approvals- I'm sure it will be a few more weeks.
Also waiting on C's violin and her new glasses.
I got a decent amount of meeting planning done at least. Started working on the business finances today.

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january is over - February 01, 2021
mostly cookies - January 26, 2021
January 20th you know I Hate you - January 20, 2021
1/36 of the year over already - January 11, 2021
new year - January 05, 2021