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October 05, 2020 - 11:55 am


Thursday things went downhill. I was listening to yoga seminars and then also a pound webinar and bam migraine. Went to bed at 6pm, smells, sounds and lights were making me nauseous. Since then I've kinda been a lump. I didn't teach one class last week. Tuesday I was engrossed in yoga and just didn't feel like it. I gave up on the other two formats. Yesterday, I still didn't feel great plus I hadn't practiced or prepared anything so instead I helped jay with some work and spent a few hours cleaning our bbq grill. I didn't feel like sitting around and was trying to keep my mind off of feeling like poo.
L came over for a little while on Friday and we got chinese for dinner. Thursday I didn't eat and Jay picked up bk for the girls. Saturday I didn't really feel like eating either so he got sushi. Yesterday a frozen dinner.
C ended up with her 2 d's. I don't get why work was due last week if grades had to be in before. I switched C to in person, keeping J at home. Jay of course was annoyed but I think having J home without her sister she will work harder and I'm hoping to take advantage of the nicer weather and get outside and get her active. She said she was good either way. It would be nice for her to finish up her speech by winter break and then just not have to worry about it at school anymore.
Fall sales started last week. J and I went to a screener of Sing 2. It's not coming out until next december. It was cute- we enjoyed it. Friday we went to the park but the playground by the library was closed so we just hung out by the ducks for a while. Teacher conferences were online. Rise conference was online.
I haven't scheduled any classes for October. I did get the halloween decorations up. Just hoping I start feeling better and I can keep myself motivated. I don't want to be sitting around all week on break.

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