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December 02, 2001 - 6:13 pm

weird dreams

Well instead of having bad dreams, im just having crazy weird dreams. I don't like those much either. Last nite was pretty cool. I bought a new monitor and I got to see beth. :) That's always fun.

I spent today cleaning and putting my christmas decorations up- ya know how it is, all that stupid shit that needs to be done that you just don't get a chance to do.

I found out a pertinent piece of information yesterday and now I'm starting to feel- I wouldn't say guilt- but I feel kinda bad. I guess it can wait until tuesday.

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archery instructor aka wonderwoman - September 25, 2017
missing jay! - September 15, 2017
trying to remember, and wishing I could forget - September 07, 2017
completely overwhelmed - September 05, 2017
16 girl scouts - August 25, 2017