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August 02, 2021 - 9:47 am

I don't feel old enough to have a freshman in high school

Today I was up as the sun was coming up and class at 6am! I had 3 regulars and it was great! Kids were ready for school before 7 and out the door by about 7:15 as scheduled. Got one dropped off and it took just about 15 minutes and then another 20 or so to get the other one. There was a spilled water bottle. Luckily, the library books were saved! Not sure how that happened but someone was looking out. I told her to please don't let this spoil her day and to make it a great one.
I snuck a note in a lunchbox.
I'm trying to keep my spirits lifted, no matter what because getting upset doesn't usually help or solve anything. Life is a blessing and I'm trying to remember that every day.
What else happened this morning (and it's not even 10am yet)- balanced one bank account, got all my social media posts scheduled for the week. Did some outreach for L's silver award (as promised). I have more things to do on my list of course and there's one I've been putting off for weeks now and I know it and I know I just need to do it but I don't wanna and I'm trying to understand why.
Tuesday, I got my car fixed so it stops clunking on right turns. One of the suspension bolts was loose! I did have that woman back in class. She said she just couldn't make it last week.
Wednesday, picked up some library craft kits, half day & free bahama bucks from the summer reading program, dropped off the boredom bags and capes at Phoenix Children's Hospital- Silver Award complete! Meet the teacher/open house. It was a little chaotic. We didn't have a schedule or a list of things to do, but I found a student to be our guide. All the teachers we met seemed nice. She said she felt more nervous. She only has 2 classes in the far building- one on A day and one on B day so I don't think it's too much walking. By the time we got home, my feet were killing me though!
Thursday, troop and a few school supply items plus new boots. I made her finish her two take action projects so that she could earn her 3rd and 4th journey. She made kahoots on light and air pollution. It took us maybe an hour total, and she had fun doing it.
Friday morning well women check- always a fun time- followed by mammo- even more fun! Home by 9:45. Ran to the council store to pick up awards. Everything I had to buy were for my two girls LOL!
Saturday was the last day of expander turning. Worked a little on the pool and hot tub. With the storms, they were a little dirty. Registered J for the learn to skate program. Watched some more olympics. Although what I want to watch is never on! or I miss it. Cleaned up the backyard in preparation for the first troop meeting! Realized that it was the last day of the month and I was nowhere near completing my apple watch challenge so I did probably 4 hours of pound. Learned some new songs and crushed my goal!
Yesterday I straightened up the house, did laundry, got ready for troop meeting, ran to a couple of stores and picked up a few more school items. I'm sure by tomorrow there will be even more things we will find out that we need. Got in the pool with J! Christmas in July (August) class outside- so hot. Then it was troop meeting time. 4 girls here and one online. 4 were at urgent care. Two were at alternate parents houses, and two were no-shows.
Realized i forgot to take out the meat for dinner so ended up getting panda express. And then it was 8pm and time to get ready for bed before school.

Today I have to go back to the dr to discuss my lab results. I looked at them. Besides being slightly anemic, they are all normal.
Doesn't look like too crazy of week. Just need to get into the new routine.

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complaining entry - September 09, 2021
dust - September 02, 2021
more crappy fast food - August 29, 2021
double sleepover - August 19, 2021
sorry I missed last week - August 13, 2021