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October 11, 2020 - 10:39 am

one last night swim

Well we did a lot of sitting around on fall break. Tuesday and Wednesday J went to friends houses. Thursday we were supposed to take a day trip but C had an online book unveiling/author talk smack in the middle of the day plus a sleepover Thursday so we moved it to Monday. She got dropped off Friday around 3, J had speech friday afternoon. Thursday I got most of the cleaning done (minus 2 rooms) so I did those Friday and also cleaned the pool and the hot tub. Did class outside on Tuesday. Attempted to get back into setting my schedule and promoting my classes (but failed). Didn't do much at all with yoga this week. Did read 2 books. Also took C to get some jeans to wear to school. Cooked dinner a couple of times but haven't been hungry for dinner much. Friday night I got to go swimming! It was all I wanted to do. Most likely it will be the last time until next year. The pool has been pretty warm. I was in there for almost an hour, definitely 45 minutes. I could care less about anything else. I just really wanted to go swimming.
I got class in 15 minutes. Tonight we are going to head up to Page. I suggested leaving later today to break up the 9-10 hours of driving. Drive up tonight, explore tomorrow and then be back probably by dinner tomorrow night. Convincing Jay to take one day off of work is hard, but with C back in school Tuesday, we won't have another opportunity for a while. Being a self employed business owner with that as your only source of income sucks sometimes. Vacations, time off... impossible. I wish I could figure out anything for myself, to take some of the burden off him. It feels so selfish and makes me feel bad.

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chugging along at 44% - November 17, 2020
36 percent - November 09, 2020
can we fast forward to 2021 already? - November 02, 2020
the usa might implode at this point - October 27, 2020
31 percent, and another night swim - October 20, 2020