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August 26, 2019 - 8:12 am


I’m feeling kinda slumpy lately.
It’s been almost 3 week since I taught my last class and I have NOTHING scheduled for September. I haven’t gone this long without teaching a class since AZ Elite closed last February. I haven’t even picked up my ripstix or learned any new songs the last two months.
- I no longer have a gym to workout at.
- I haven’t gotten paid for all the kids classes I did for the month of July yet and got short-paid from my week at the senior community.
- My daily and weekly step counts have been absolute garbage all August.
- I’m pretty sure I pulled an intercostal muscle on Saturday and it hurts to breathe.
- Jay has slowed down with his work and there’s not much I can do to help him right now.
- I’m mostly finished with my two contract projects, and I don’t know when the next one will be.
- cadence got a full mouth of braces last week that I wasn’t expecting. Payment made in full for the 20-24 month treatment.
- I haven’t really applied to any jobs since I left because I just don’t think I can sit at a desk for 40 hours a week.

I wish I could figure out my next move. I feel like I’ve been standing at this intersection way too long.

Luckily, I have this amazing person by my side who has supported me without hesitation over the last year and a half and having that is a blessing.

Mentally, I am in a stress-free zone but now I am starting to get frustrated.

I dropped the ball and didn't plan my meeting until pretty much Sunday morning. I don't want to ever go through that stress again.
Called Gerald about my pay and he said he'd look into it. I need to follow up with Maddie. I need to call Barbara. I need to make a shopping list and go grocery shopping today.

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9 days in NJ - October 10, 2019
still waiting! - September 23, 2019
hit and run - September 18, 2019
nothing exciting - September 10, 2019
bronchitis or pneumonia? - September 03, 2019