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August 13, 2018 - 9:35 am

keep on interviewing

My Tuesday interview went well and they called me on Wednesday to setup an in person for the upcoming Thursday. The dentist was long- one tiny filling turned into almost 3 hours as they put a temporary crown on the one that broke. At least I didn't get charged for it, but I don't have $700 for a new crown right now. It was my first BR class with NO ONE :( So I went through my set list and turned myself around so I could watch my cueing in the mirror.
Wednesday my other interview lasted less than 10 minutes. The guy asked if I had my PMP and I said no and he said well I don't think you are qualified at all for this job, yet the description was everything I was doing at TD for the last 15 years. I heard from Best Western and setup my in-person interview for today (Monday). We did lego building and ran into Cadence's buddy from Apples to Zebras! Of course they didn't remember each other. Leader meeting was ok.
Thursday... not sure what I did on Thursday at all.
Friday I cleaned. I also got the flyers printed and dropped off at school! Jay & I went to cornish pasty for lunch. I got 8 rooms cleaned before I had to get the girls. Jade realized she lost her fitbit so we took a ride back to school to see if we could find it outside (no luck). By the time we got home, I didn't feel like doing anymore cleaning. I did the kitchen on Saturday and I made them do their own room. Cadence did the mopping (terrible job!) Then I went to work. My stomach was not feeling well. There was only one person in class and it was her first one. She asked me if I could teach facing the mirror. Totally threw me off.
The girls were ipad zombies all day. I don't think we did anything saturday afternoon. I don't even think the girls got dressed.
Yesterday I pretty much slept most of the day. We did go to sam's club for a few things. A bad storm rolled in around 6 and took out our wall facing two neighbors. ugh. Never a dull moment around here.
I have to leave in about 25 minutes for my interview. I was trying to prepare this morning a little

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stressful day - September 17, 2018
and now begins week 9 - September 10, 2018
starting to get discouraged - September 04, 2018
gen pound chaos - August 27, 2018
still interviewing. - August 22, 2018